PT. SMFL Leasing Indonesia

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Company Profile

Name PT. SMFL Leasing Indonesia
Address Menara BTPN, 31st Floor
Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav. 5.5 - 5.6
Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Indonesia
Established December 2009
Sales Network Medan, Palembang, Surabaya, Cikarang (4 bases)
Main Shareholders Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing Co., Ltd. 85%
PT Bank BTPN Tbk 9%
PT. Sumitomo Indonesia 6%
Business Description 1. Finance Leases
2. Operating Leases
3. Leasebacks
4. Factoring
5. Sales Finance
License PT SMFL Leasing Indonesia was founded on December 23rd, 2009 after Deed of Establishment No. 09 was certified by Notary Sri Hasmiyanti, SH.
The Company also received the Decree of Minister of Justice & Human Rights No. AHU-0423. AH 01.01. Tahun 2010 on January 25th, 2010.
Our business license, the Decree of Minister of Finance No: KEP-336/KM.10/2010, was issued on July 6th, 2010.

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Board of Commissioners

Tomoyuki Tanaka
2.Commissioner Independent
Muliawan Gunadi K

Board of Directors

1.President Director
Koichi Ito
2.Vice President Director
Naohito Watanabe
Saiful Ichlas
4.Director (Compliance)
Alexander Reyza

Assessment Result of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Implementation

Based on the assessment in accordance with the provisions of POJK No. 28/POJK.05/2020 jo. SEOJK No. 11/SEOJK.05/2020, PT SMFL Leasing Indonesia (SMFLI) is considered to have a GCG Factor rating as follow:

Remarks Rating
GCG Factor Rating 1

The assessment is carried out from the perspective of governance structure, governance process, and governance implementation result, upon the following parameters or indicators:

  • Implementation of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors (BOD)
  • Implementation of the internal audit function
  • Implementation of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners (BOC)
  • Implementation of external audit function
  • Implementation of duties and responsibilities of shareholders or equivalent
  • Implementation of risk management including internal control system
  • Completeness and implementation of committee duties
  • Transparency of financial and non-financial conditions, report on the implementation of good corporate governance and internal reporting
  • Handling of Conflicts of Interest
  • Company's strategic plan
  • Implementation of the Company's compliance function

Based on the results of the assessment, overall from the perspective of governance structure, governance process, and governance implementation result, SMFLI applies the principles of GCG (transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, and fairness) very well in accordance with the applicable regulations, which can be summarized as follows:

  1. SMFLI has BOD, BOC, committees, functions and human resources with a very adequate structure and each of them have a good ability to carry out their duties and responsibilities professionally, effectively, efficiently, free from conflicts of interest and comply with applicable regulations. SMFLI is also supported by shareholders who are reputable companies, have good integrity and financial feasibility and are committed to support SMFLI's business development, without interfering with the company's operational activities.
  2. The implementation of risk management and internal control in SMFLI is supported by a good organization structure, especially by the Internal Audit Department, Risk Management Department, and Legal & Compliance Department. Active supervision by BOD and BOC on the implementation of risk management is carried out through the appointment of a Director in charge of Risk Management, weekly BOD Discussions, monthly BOD Meetings, and quarterly BOC Meetings.
  3. Transparency of financial and non-financial conditions are carried out by SMFLI, including through the reporting of Financial Report and GCG Implementation Report to OJK, Publication of Financial Statements through newspaper, explanation of product information and consumer complaint mechanism on the company's website, etc. To ensure the company's sustainable growth, SMFLI also prepares a business plan by considering internal/external factors, the prudential principle, risk management implementation and sound corporate principles.
  4. Although there are several weaknesses in the implementation of GCG, the weaknesses are not significant and can be overcome by the company's management, including by improving the policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures on a regular basis.
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